Results for 'Alec R. Vidler'

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  1. Twentieth Century Defenders of the Faith: Some Theological Fashions Considered in the Robertson Lectures for 1964.Alec R. Vidler - 1965
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  2. Witness to the Light, F. D. Maurice's Message for Today.Alec R. Vidler - 1948
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    Semali on 'Transmediation'.Alec R. Hosterman - 2005 - American Journal of Semiotics 21 (1/4):140-143.
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  4. Superimposing reality on digital spaces.Alec R. Hosterman - 2010 - Analysis and Metaphysics 9:35-41.
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  5. Understanding the Parables of Our Lord.Albert E. Barnett & Alec. R. Allenson - 1954
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    The Personal Conquest of Truth according to J. H. Newman.A. R. Vidler & A. J. Boekraad - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (27):182.
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  7. C. B. Moss, The Old Catholic Movement. [REVIEW]A. R. Vidler - 1948 - Hibbert Journal 47:409.
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  8. L. S. THORNTON, Revelation and the Modern World. [REVIEW]A. R. Vidler - 1950 - Hibbert Journal 49:190.
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    Non-visual spatial strategies are effective for maintaining precise information in visual working memory.Reshanne R. Reeder, Zoë Pounder, Alec Figueroa, Antonia Jüllig & Elena Azañón - 2024 - Cognition 251 (C):105907.
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    Socialism, Capitalism, and the Soviet Experience.Alec Nove - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 6 (2):235.
    What does the Soviet record tell us about the viability, effectiveness, and efficiency of socialism? There are several questions that arise if one examines the Soviet experience, in addition to the comparative systems aspect. One question relates to the impact of the experience of the Soviet Union on theories of socialism, and also vice versa: the impact and relevance of socialist theory in assessing the Soviet system. Then there is the important issue of the role of specifically Soviet- Russian circumstances: (...)
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    A multiple case inference and other minds.Alec Hyslop - 1979 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 57 (4):330-36.
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    Venetian Drawings XIV-XVII CenturiesJohn Singleton CopleyRufino TamayoJuan Gris: His Life and WorkFlemish Drawings XV-XVI CenturiesGuernicaThe Prints of Joan MiroHorace Pippin: A Negro Painter in AmericaGiovanni SegantiniSpanish Drawings XV-XIX Centuries.Graziano D'Albanella, James Thomas Flexner, Robert Goldwater, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Juan Gris, Andre Leclerc, Pablo Picasso, Selden Rodman, Gottardo Segantini, Jose Gomez Sicre, Walter Ueberwasser, Robert Spreng, Bruno Adriani, C. Ludwig Brumme, Alec Miller, Jacques Schnier, Louis Slobodkin, Richard F. French, Simon L. Millner, Edward A. Armstrong, Alfred H. Barr Jr, E. K. Brown, R. O. Dunlop, Walter Pach, Robert Ethridge Moore, Alexander Romm, H. Ruhemann, Hans Tietze, R. H. Wilenski, D. Bartling, W. K. Wimsatt Jr, Samuel Johnson & Leo Stein - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):205.
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    New human demands in industry.Kenneth Hutton, Michael Layton, R. Peddie & Alec Rodger - 1958 - The Eugenics Review 50 (2):107.
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  14. Alec Hyslop, Other Minds.R. Sansom - 1996 - Minds and Machines 6:421-425.
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    The European Reformations. Edited by Alec Ryrie and Henry VIII and the English Reformation (2 nd edn). By Richard Rex. [REVIEW]R. N. Swanson - 2008 - Heythrop Journal 49 (6):1073-1074.
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    Defending the Realm of Criminal Law.R. A. Duff - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (3):465-500.
    This is a response to ten critiques of my 2018 book The Realm of Criminal Law, by Stephen Bero and Alex Sarch, Kim Ferzan, Stuart Green, Doug Husak, Nicola Lacey, Sandra Mayson, Victor Tadros, Patrick Tomlin, Alec Walen, and Gideon Yaffe. I take the opportunity to explain the main aims and themes of the book, to clarify some of its arguments, and to note some of the ways in which those arguments need expansion, development, or revision. Topics discussed include: (...)
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    Margaret B. W. Graham;, Alec T. Shuldiner. Corning and the Craft of Innovation. Foreword by, James R. Houghton. xvi + 505 pp., illus., index. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. $29.95. [REVIEW]John K. Smith - 2005 - Isis 96 (2):300-301.
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    Spooks and spoofs.Elizabeth R. Valentine - 2012 - History of the Human Sciences 25 (2):67-90.
    This article describes the relations between academic psychology and psychical research in Britain during the inter-war period, in the context of the fluid boundaries between mainstream psychology and both psychical research and popular psychology. Specifically, the involvement with Harry Price of six senior academic psychologists: William McDougall, William Brown, J. C. Flugel, Cyril Burt, C. Alec Mace and Francis Aveling, is described. Personal, metaphysical and socio-historical factors in their collaboration are discussed. It is suggested that the main reason for (...)
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    Continental Newman Literature.A. J. Boekraad - 1957 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 7:110-116.
    IT is a curious fact that more books on J. H. Newman have been written by foreign than by English authors, as A. R. Vidler remarks in a book review in the Philosophical Quarterly. He adds a number of reasons all of which have exercised a certain influence. He suggests the main reason to be that Newman “is naturally attractive and useful to Roman Catholics who are disposed to explore lines of thought that deviate from, or are not covered (...)
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    The New Theologian. [REVIEW]A. S. S. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 21 (3):557-557.
    A beautifully executed limning of the men doing some of the freshest theological thinking today. With Bishop Robinson's Honest to God as his starting point, Mehta interviews Paul Tillich, Paul van Buren, Reinhold Niebuhr, Bishop Robinson, A. R. Vidler, H. A. Williams, Donald MacKinnon, A. M. Ramsey, I. T. Ramsey, Nicholas Stacey, Rudolf Bultmann, and Karl Barth. Almost half of the book is devoted to the portrait of Dietrich Bonhoeffer which emerges from Mehta's stay in Germany with Bonhoeffer's closest (...)
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  21. Les peintures de la Cour des comptes: une approche spécifique de restauration.Cinzia Pasquali-Vidler, Véronique Sorano-Stedman & Béatrice Lauwick - 2002 - Techne 15:20-29.
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  22. Claude-Nicolas Le Doux.Anthony Vidler - 1993 - Utopian Studies 4 (1):214-215.
  23. Debating Ground Zero: Architects, planners, ideas.Anthony Vidler - 2004 - Radical Philosophy 124.
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  24. The Eisenstein effect: architecture and narrative montage in Eisenstein and Le Corbusier.Anthony Vidler - 2019 - In Edward Dimendberg, The moving eye: film, television, architecture, visual art, and the modern. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    The Writing on the Walls: Architectural Theory in the Late Enlightenment.Anthony Vidler - 1996 - Princeton Architectural Press.
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    Alec Guinness and Julian of Norwich.Alec Guinness - 2005 - The Chesterton Review 31 (1/2):234-236.
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    His master's voice: Theodore of mopsuestia on the psalms.Robert C. Hill - 2004 - Heythrop Journal 45 (1):40–53.
    Books reviewed:John Barton, Joel and Obadiah: A Commentary John P. Meier, A Marginal Jew, Volume III: Companions and CompetitorsWilliam E. Arnal, Jesus and the Village Scribes: Galilean Conflicts and the Setting of QRichard A. Horsley, Hearing the Whole Story: The Politics of Plot in Mark's GospelMaurice Casey, Aramaic Sources of Mark's GospelPhilip Jenkins, Hidden Gospels: How the Search for Jesus Lost its WayChristopher M. Tuckett, Christology and the New Testament: Jesus and His Earliest FollowersMarkus Bockmuehl, The Cambridge Companion to JesusShelly (...)
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  28. Other minds.Alec Hyslop - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Alec Hyslop defends a (modified) version of the traditional analogical inference to other minds and rejects alternatives, but only after subjecting each of...
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  29. The logic of real arguments.Alec Fisher - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This new and expanded edition of The Logic of Real Arguments explains a distinctive method for analysing and evaluating arguments. It discusses many examples, ranging from newspaper articles to extracts from classic texts, and from easy passages to much more difficult ones. It shows students how to use the question 'What argument or evidence would justify me in believing P?', and also how to deal with suppositional arguments beginning with the phrase 'Suppose that X were the case.' It aims to (...)
  30. Critical Thinking: An Introduction.Alec Fisher - 2011 - Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This text meets the requirements of the OCR AS specification for critical thinking. Alec Fisher shows students how they can develop a range of creative and critical thinking skills that are transferable to other subjects and contexts.
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    The Logic of Real Arguments.Alec Fisher - 1988 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    This new and expanded edition of The Logic of Real Arguments explains a distinctive method for analysing and evaluating arguments. It discusses many examples, ranging from newspaper articles to extracts from classic texts, and from easy passages to much more difficult ones. It shows students how to use the question 'What argument or evidence would justify me in believing P?', and also how to deal with suppositional arguments beginning with the phrase 'Suppose that X were the case.' It aims to (...)
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  32. Proof Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: A Balanced Retributive Account.Alec Walen - 2015 - Louisiana Law Review 76 (2):355-446.
    The standard of proof in criminal trials in many liberal democracies is proof beyond a reasonable doubt, the BARD standard. It is customary to describe it, when putting a number on it, as requiring that the fact finder be at least 90% certain, after considering the evidence, that the defendant is guilty. Strikingly, no good reason has yet been offered in defense of using that standard. A number of non-consequentialist justifications that aim to support an even higher standard have been (...)
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    The Mechanics of Claims and Permissible Killing in War.Alec D. Walen - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    This book develops an alternative account of rights according to which rights forfeiture has a much smaller role to play because rights themselves are more contextually contingent. For example, those who threaten to cause harm without a right to do so have weaker claims not to be killed than innocent bystanders or those who have a right to threaten to cause harm. By framing rights as the output of a balance of competing claims, and by laying out a detailed account (...)
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  34. The Logic of Real Arguments.Alec Fisher - 1991 - Philosophy 66 (256):249-252.
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    Goal-directed decision making as probabilistic inference: A computational framework and potential neural correlates.Alec Solway & Matthew M. Botvinick - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (1):120-154.
  36. Transcending the Means Principle.Alec Walen - 2014 - Law and Philosophy 33 (4):427-464.
    A robust, if not absolute, prohibition on treating people merely as a means seems to sit at the core of common sense deontological morality. But the principle prohibiting such treatment, the ‘means principle’ (MP), has been notoriously hard to defend: both the subjective, intention-focused and the objective, causal-role-focused interpretations of what it means to use someone as a means face potent objections. In this paper, my goal is not to defend the MP, but to articulate and defend a new principle, (...)
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    Risks and Weak Aggregation: Why Different Models of Risk Suit Different Types of Cases.Alec Walen - 2020 - Ethics 131 (1):62-86.
    Discussions of risk have assumed that risk must be modeled the same in all cases. This is a mistake. Normally, if people know that those affected by an agent’s choice have conflicting interests, th...
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  38. The analogical inference to other minds.Alec Hyslop & Frank Jackson - 1972 - American Philosophical Quarterly 9 (3):168-76.
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    Moorean Paradox in Practice: How Knowledge of Action Can Be First-Personal.Alec Hinshelwood - 2024 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102 (3):739-755.
    We know our own intentional actions in a distinctively first-personal way. Many accounts of knowledge of intentionally doing something, A, assume that grounds for the knowledge would have to establish or indicate that it is true that one is intentionally doing A. In this paper, I argue against this assumption, showing how it entails being in a Moore-paradoxical situation. I argue that if knowledge of intentionally doing A were such that grounds for it must be truth-indicating, then one could always (...)
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  40. How to make do with events.Alec Hinshelwood - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (1):245-258.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 1, Page 245-258, March 2022.
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  41. The relations between agency, identification, and alienation.Alec Hinshelwood - 2013 - Philosophical Explorations 16 (3):243-258.
    This paper examines the relations between, on the one hand, accounts of the distinction between an agent's identifying with, as opposed to feeling alienated from, their attitudes; and on the other, metaphysical accounts of action. It claims that a commitment to an event-causal conception of agency, which would analyse agency in terms of the causal potency of psychological states and events, appears to render mandatory a particular style of account of identification and alienation – namely, the hierarchical model offered by (...)
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    The Restricting Claims Principle Revisited: Grounding the Means Principle on the Agent–Patient Divide.Alec Walen - 2016 - Law and Philosophy 35 (2):211-247.
    In an earlier article, I introduced the “restricting claims principle” to explain what is right about the means principle: the idea that it is harder to justify causing or allowing someone to suffer harm if using him as a means than if causing or allowing harm as a side effect. The RCP appeals to the idea that claims not to be harmed as a side effect push to restrict an agent from doing what she would otherwise be free to do (...)
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    Dynamics: an introduction.Alec Norton - 1995 - In Tim van Gelder & Robert Port, Mind As Motion: Explorations in the Dynamics of Cognition. MIT Press. pp. 45--68.
  44. In Defense of Patient-Centered Theories of Deontology: A Response to Liao and Barry.Alec Walen - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (5):627-638.
    S. Matthew Liao and Christian Barry argue that the patient-centered approach to deontology that I have developed—the restricting claims principle —‘is beset with problems.’ They think that it cannot correctly handle cases in which a potential victim sits in the path of an agent doing what she needs to do for some greater good, or in which a person’s property is used to benefit others and harm her. They argue that cases in which an agent does what would be permissible (...)
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    The Invisible Hand of Jupiter.Alec Macfie - 1971 - Journal of the History of Ideas 32 (4):595.
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    The Doctrine of Illicit Intentions.Alec Walen - 2005 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 34 (1):39-67.
    According to the Doctrine of Illicit Intentions, it is impermissible both to form and then to act on an illicit intention. An intention is illicit, roughly, if it causes the agent who has it to be, in a certain way, disposed to perform actions that are impermissible. If the range of actions an agent might be directed to perform by an intention includes impermissible actions, then it may be impermissible to form or act on that intention even if, in the (...)
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    XIV*—On Punishing.Alec Kassman - 1977 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 77 (1):221-246.
    Alec Kassman; XIV*—On Punishing, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 77, Issue 1, 1 June 1977, Pages 221–246,
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  48. Grice without an Audience.Alec Hyslop - 1977 - Analysis 37 (2):67 - 69.
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    Criminal Law and Penal Law: The Wrongness Constraint and a Complementary Forfeiture Model.Alec Walen - 2020 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 14 (3):431-446.
    Antony Duff’s The Realm of Criminal Law offers an appealing moral reconstruction of the criminal law. I agree that the criminal law should be understood to predicate punishment upon sufficient proof that the defendant has committed a public wrong for which she is being held to account and censured. But the criminal law is not only about censoring people for public wrongs; it must serve other purposes as well, such as preventing people from committing serious crimes and more generally from (...)
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    On Blame and Punishment: Self-blame, Other-Blame, and Normative Negligence.Alec Douglas Walen - 2022 - Law and Philosophy 41 (2):283-304.
    Punishment should, at least normally, be reserved for blameworthy actions. But to make sense of that claim, we need an account of blame and of why it might license or even call for punishment. Doug Husak, in whose honor this paper is written, rejects quality of will theories of blame as relevant to criminal punishment – what I call ‘criminal blame’. He offers instead a reason-responsive account of blameworthiness, according to which blame applies to wrongful actions chosen by agents who (...)
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